Self Love Tonic™

16. Slowing Down For Deeper Healing + Impact

Christina Guzmán Episode 16

This year, I faced unexpected health challenges that led me to take a break from podcasting. Initially, this pause created anxiety as I struggled to let go of the pressure to stay consistent. However, it highlighted the critical importance of prioritizing well-being over hustle culture.

In this episode, we explore the significance of slowing down for deeper healing and lasting impact. We draw inspiration from Simone Biles, who took a two-year hiatus for her mental health and returned to win gold at the Paris Olympics. Her story reminds us that taking a step back doesn't mean quitting; it's a vital part of the healing process.

Reflect on your own life: What signs have you been ignoring that signal the need to slow down? What changes can you make to prioritize your well-being? Remember, no task is worth sacrificing your health. Embrace the mindset that there's nothing to prove. Your worth is intrinsic and not tied to external achievements.

Join me as we discuss how slowing down, setting priorities, and embracing authenticity can lead to profound personal growth and a greater impact on the world.

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